Monday, November 28, 2011

Date No. 3

This date was pretty much the most successful date I've had in quite some time. The guy messaged me on OkCupid and asked if I wanted to hang out. I did. So we went to the Crystal Corner for some beers when I got done with work last night. He's tall enough, his shoes don't suck, he was wearing pearl snaps and he's a hairstylist. He bought my beers and we didn't run out of things to say. He's funny and thinks I'm funny too. We share a twisted sense of humor and super self confidence. He's trying to open a hot dog restaurant (yay!).

When we were discussing the restaurant, I asked him if he had a business partner and he said yes, with a weird grin on his face. I asked him what that meant and he said that his partner was another guy I had been talking to on OkCupid. Apparently, the guy I was on a date with had been shown my profile by his friend and my date swooped in on me. Now the other guy still wants a chance, but I think it would be weird.

We talked for about four and a half hours and it was great. Then we called cabs and went home. We hugged and said we'd hang out again. He's making me dinner at his place tomorrow. Wheeee!

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