Monday, November 28, 2011

Date No. 3

This date was pretty much the most successful date I've had in quite some time. The guy messaged me on OkCupid and asked if I wanted to hang out. I did. So we went to the Crystal Corner for some beers when I got done with work last night. He's tall enough, his shoes don't suck, he was wearing pearl snaps and he's a hairstylist. He bought my beers and we didn't run out of things to say. He's funny and thinks I'm funny too. We share a twisted sense of humor and super self confidence. He's trying to open a hot dog restaurant (yay!).

When we were discussing the restaurant, I asked him if he had a business partner and he said yes, with a weird grin on his face. I asked him what that meant and he said that his partner was another guy I had been talking to on OkCupid. Apparently, the guy I was on a date with had been shown my profile by his friend and my date swooped in on me. Now the other guy still wants a chance, but I think it would be weird.

We talked for about four and a half hours and it was great. Then we called cabs and went home. We hugged and said we'd hang out again. He's making me dinner at his place tomorrow. Wheeee!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Date No. 2

Sorry I've waited so long to write this!

As expected, date number two did not go very well. I chose the restaurant we ate it and I had my favorite meal and server. He was late (which didn't really bother me because his son is three and didn't want him to leave). We had some beers and some food and some alright conversation. I was a lightweight and got a little drunk and talked a lot. We got our check and he paid. I tried to leave the tip, but he wouldn't let me. We walked out to my car and when we got there he asked me what I was doing next. I had tried to avoid mentioning what I was doing because I wanted the date to be over, but I felt forced into telling him. I told him I was going to a show and (through gritted teeth) did he want to come along? He said he would love to and I told him he could follow me in his car which was parked just up the street.

In a manner akin to his skipping, my date did a straight-legged run to his car and I gagged a little. We got to the show and I paid our cover. I was very annoyed to be sitting next to this guy who I wasn't interested in at all because I couldn't flirt with anyone that I might actually be interested in that was there. Eventually, after the band I wanted to see, I told my date that I was tired and was going to go home. That was a lie. I never lie. Dating is weird. I went to another bar for a little while and then actually did go home.

The next day he texted me quite a bit, but I wasn't very responsive and so he hasn't tried to be in contact since. Phew.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gym Day No. 1

I waited until the weather was particularly frightful to begin my two month Groupon for Princeton Club. I went this morning for my first time, wearing polka dot leggings and a cut up old Def Leppard Hysteria t-shirt. I was running on the treadmill when an attractive older man approached me and told me he liked my shirt. I thanked him and he showed me that his watch was "Swatch" brand. As he walked away he said over his shoulder, "Old things aren't necessarily bad things." I laughed and said, "Yeah! The 80s!"

He came back again and this is when I began to notice that my plan to pick up men at the gym was flawed. I was running, though only 5 miles per hour, and my shit was flopping all around and he was just talking and talking. He told me he was born in '71 and then gave me a background of most of Def Leppard's discography. All the while my face is bright red from 35 minutes of cardio. He didn't seem to mind, though, and I have now concluded that any man who finds me attractive in that state is probably pretty cool.

I would totally go on a date with that guy.

Date No. 1

I went on an impromptu date with a guy from OKCupid the other night. We went to a movie. We were running behind so when I arrived I bought our tickets quick and waited near the theater. He arrived and didn't look much like his pictures. We didn't get to talk to much because we were watching a movie, but I didn't feel much of an attraction. And he wore dumb shoes. After the movie was over we walked to our cars together. It was raining and he literally SKIPPED over the puddles. Like a little girl. SKIPPED. Oh god. We parted ways. He didn't offer to pay me back for the ticket or even thank me for it until I received a text message from him 45 minutes after we left the theater.

We had made plans earlier in the week to get dinner on Friday and I am still keeping the date, just in case, but I'm not very hopeful. He refuses to pick a spot to eat, putting it all on me. Even went so far as to recommend Taco Bell because he said he knew I would veto that and then I would have to choose. Ugh. This is not what I was looking for.

So, new things to add to the list:
-Skips over puddles.
-Doesn't at least offer to pay.
-Doesn't say thank you.

Monday, November 7, 2011


-Likes the TV show House.
-Coughs into hand instead of arm.
-Loud chewer.
-Spends too frivolously
-Is cheap.